Quit Playing Small!


Before you dive into this, I want to explain that this post comes from a place deep in my heart, a place of love, empowerment and support. However it’s a topic with a strong message that I make no apologies for.

One of my biggest frustrations and a source of sadness comes from seeing others not explore their potential, sticking with what they know, not daring to stretch (or leap), complying to the feedback and opinion of colleagues, being pigeonholed, going through the motions (you get it). Let’s be honest, it can make for a pretty bleak picture, doesn’t it?

Some may call this comfort, me I think there is a fine line between comfort and being restrained.

Bear with me, I’ll elaborate: “I’m happy where I am!” you may be saying, and if that’s you - fantastic. If it fulfils you, if you enjoy what you do, if you are happy as is, if you go to sleep and wake up smiling, then fair play… You’re in your comfort zone out of choice, not because you are held back or pushed down, but because you choose to stay in a place that makes you feel good.

Maybe you’ve said; “I’m ok where I am”, just ok? Hhmmmmm. Maybe you don’t feel you have other options, maybe financial demands mean you have to do what you do, maybe you feel overloaded, maybe you don’t know what to do, maybe you grin and bear it because something is stopping you.. Bottom line is, you don't feel like you have a choice.

If you’re in the latter category, I hear you, I’ve been there. I understand there’s bills to be paid, commitments to be met, loyalties, others rely on you etc etc and don’t even get me started on the mindset monkeys  🐵. I’m not for a second advocating the ‘throw caution to the wind approach’, although I did exactly that when I left my job and moved around the world (a whole other post!). What I am massively championing is shifting, shifting to a place that satisfies you, excites you, inspires you … Do I believe that you can find this in a place of being restrained? Not unless you’re willing to battle! Stay in your comfort zone? Maybe, for a while, but for most I don’t believe it’s sustainable nor long lasting.

Let’s take this a level deeper… Whichever zone you’re in; restrained or comfort, maybe for you being in a bubble of the known is more appealing than the abyss of ‘what if’.… But isn’t that the point… ‘WHAT IF?!’

Think for a second of when you were a child, lock onto a memory when you did something without fear, with total excitement, something you gave your all too. Me, I remember being at the top of a grassy hill, it was so tall I felt like I was at the summit of a mountain (I was only 10!). I remember my mum shouting at me not to roll down the hill, I’d hurt myself, it was dangerous… So what did I do? I rolled down the hill, scraped all my legs and my dress ended up over my head! Probably wasn’t the most graceful time of my life but I wanted to do it, I committed and I rolled like a gigantic flailing snowball… No playing small here, I threw caution to the wind and went all in!

As we get older, the childlike innocence of decision without fear of consequence is replaced by conscience and second guessing. Preconceptions, doubt, fear, comparatinitus and all those other pesky emotions combined with adult commitments can often see us holding back, complying and settling.

Are you in that place of going through the motions, wanting more but letting your limiting beliefs (or the voice in your head) hold you back? You aren’t alone. Can you change it? YES! You control your mindset and you control your actions … Bottom line is, YOU CONTROL YOU.

Right now, take a few minutes to think in terms of home, career, role, location, focus:

  • Where are you?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • What are you in control of?

  • How can you transition?

  • When can you make a change?

So today I urge you to take responsibility, take an honest look at where you are, and be all in.

Imagine what would happen if we applied the gungho no fear, let’s go, passion and action of our inner child with a sprinkling of adult sensibility … We’d ‘Quit Playing Small’! We’d commit, we’d forge forward, we’d make a change. Sure maybe we’d scrape our legs and end up with our dress over our heads (metaphorically), but imagine the fun, imagine the experience, imagine the next level doors it could open, after all ‘What If!’

Much love,

LJ x

p.s. Don’t forget to grab your free 7 Things You Need to Do To Fast Track Your Next Career Move! Or if you’re ready to quit playing small, drop me a message. 


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