All things success, failure, tips & tricks, and plenty of fabulousness.

It’s Just Not Meant For Me…
It’s the end of another work day, you’re sat at your computer, it’s dark outside, the to do list has a few highlighted through tasks done, but there’s still ton of emails, a ton of “can you just” teams messages, a ton of demands in amongst the scattered papers, and the half drunk cups of coffee are a reminder…

Who’s in your A Team crew?
Five years ago I went to an amazing event at the most luxurious hotel. The decor was like no other, the service world class, the food a work of art and the bubbles on tap. For the afternoon I was with the most gorgeous women, all truly beautiful inside and out. We hadn’t met before. We’d all connected through the wonders of Facebook, and all with a common interest…

Why You Will and Should Fail
What? Did you read that right? Yep, you sure did! See in this crazy, chaotic, a million miles an hour world it’s easy to get sucked into the illusion that everyone has it made, everyone else has their shit together…

Quit Playing Small!
Before you dive into this, I want to explain that this post comes from a place deep in my heart, a place of love, empowerment and support. However it’s a topic with a strong message that I make no apologies for…