Secure your seat

at the table


(without sacrificing your life, career or sanity)



LIFE & THE CITY: Who’s your character?

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I understand how you feel…

You don’t just need a great coach, you need someone who really gets the demands of your life and the toll it can take. Someone who understands the craziness of your career, who really gets the demands of your personal life and someone who recognises the pivots you make on a daily basis. 

Someone who has been there, seen it, climbed the ladder, raised a family and didn’t (entirely!) lose herself in the process.

Hey, I’m Laura (or LJ) and with over 20 year’s experience as HR Director and People & Performance Director. I’ve partnered with world leading brands working internationally, alongside building my own consultancy, I’ve climbed the ladders, readjusted the scaffolding and carved out a multi 6 figure career that works for me. And I’ve in the main kept my health and lifestyle in balance as well. You can do it too.  No guesswork. No guilt.

You really can have it all…

And it starts with deciding what your all is and refusing to accept settling as an option. 

Sure, I know how busy you are and I know how much you’re juggling. You spend all your time looking after everyone else, but who looks after you?

You want to look and feel alive. Truly - not just pretend. You want to do that thing that lights your soul. But you feel stuck and busy beyond belief - I mean seriously - You have no time to think, let alone do anything else! And who has your back? 

I do.

If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. If you’re feeling constantly uninspired and have no clue what to do to flip the switch, then we NEED to talk.



Want the blueprint to make your next best move, no luck & no faking it?

My 7-step step framework will have you leaping forward with confidence and clarity.

 You don’t have to go it alone.

Imagine feeling like you’re Beyoncé, owning the stage aka) your life, making the moves that suit you. Zero stress.

Imagine feeling in control of your diary, your time, your choices and the things you do. Zero overwhelm.

Imagine feeling that you can confidently make a change. That in any aspect of your life you can stop settling for just “ok”. Zero guilt.


I’m not going to give you unicorns and rainbows and tell you that change is easy. I’m not going to tell you that you’ll get the life, the body or the satisfaction that you crave by simply wishing and dreaming. 

And I’m certainly not going to tell you that it comes without a massive dash of self-belief, a bit of patience and some effort. 

Deciding that being a bit uncomfortable for a while, asking for what you want, working ‘smartly’ for what you want and being unwavering in your approach is what gets you results - in any aspect of your life.

And ‘smartly’ is the sweet spot. Because anyone can put the hours in (for a while), make it up as they go (for a while), put on a mask of “it’s showtime” (for a while). But why would you want to do that? Why would you want to struggle? Why would you want to wing it when you can follow a blueprint that’ll take you from “what if” to “it’s happening”?

Get ready for some dramatic music, because that next opportunity, that life you want, it’s there with your name on it. I know it.

  • Six months later I was given an unexpected salary increase!

    I was exhausted, frustrated and felt like I had no one who understood. I struggled to ask for a pay rise or a promotion and my manager thought I was happy doing what I was doing (and I was but I had goals too). Laura helped me with how to get clear on what it was and how I could best articulate this to my manager. It wasn’t easy to let my guard down but the result was five weeks in, I had a great review with my line manager and I got a detailed plan to get me the additional responsibility and new exposure. Six months later I was given an unexpected salary increase!


  • Just a few weeks into working together I was carving out new habits, setting boundaries...

    On the face of it I had it good. Great career, great business, great salary, but I was exhausted. I was working a lot of hours, never felt like I was on top of things and my relationship was falling apart because “work came first”. For a self proclaimed control freak I felt like I was failing in all areas and when my boss spoke to me about a promotion I knew it was time to make a change.

    Working with Laura wasn’t just about my career but also about my life as a whole - not what I thought I needed! Just a few weeks into working together I was carving out new habits, setting boundaries and was feeling like I wasn’t constantly letting people down. I had more time with my family, was in control of my work deadlines and even planned time to go the gym in my schedule

    If you think this is just about career advice, WRONG, it’s way more than that!


  • We chatted and she gave me so much advice that I leapt into her programme.

    My tiredness was off the scale and I was piling weight on. In my day to day I was preaching wellbeing and as a Head of Reward was looking out for my team and all our employees, but me, I was on autopilot. I was working longer hours but doing less and I was the worst advert for work life balance. Three years ago I’d wanted to work towards becoming a People Director, three years later I was still in the same role, managing more people, more projects and more priorities for a small amount more money. I had no clue how to get out of my own funk and then I met Laura in a networking group. We chatted and she gave me so much advice that I leapt into her programme. Four months later I’ve been given a development plan and am deputising for the People Director. I couldn’t have done it alone!


Start Your



The one of a kind mastermind for unapologetic female leaders who are ready to have it all… It’s time to put yourself first. Zero guesswork. Zero guilt.


The one to one experience for those who are ready to go all in to get what they want.


Book your Fast Fix, Immediate Impact session and let’s get you moving through the main thing that’s keeping you stuck.

My Zone of Genius

Interested in working with me? Here’s what i can help you with.


The Must Do’s

I get that you have lots of things to do, lots of demands, your phone is constantly pinging and you’re wearing all the hats in and outside of work. But I promise you there are things you can swerve, strip out and get support with so you aren’t constantly putting yourself last in the priority parade.


The Should Do’s

With all the things you do, I bet you have a list of things, demands and “can you just'' requests that you feel huge guilt that you don’t do. But seriously, where’s the time and what about your agenda? I’m here to show you how to make time without being busier and only amplify the ‘shoulds’ that you choose to.


The Want To’s

Here’s the fun stuff! Those new projects, hobbies, the things you’d love to do with friends, family and heaven forbid the time you’d love to have for yourself. Now you have time, it’s time to add them in and do more of them. But, we aren’t adding in chaos, we’re adding in control, balance and only the stuff we choose.


There is no cookie cutter, one size fits all solution. This is bespoke coaching to get you the seat at the table you actually want to be at without sacrificing your life or sanity. On your terms. Zero guesswork. Zero guilt.

From … to … our goal is making the move, the changes that are both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. Because that is totally possible. And you deserve it.

You want someone who’s failed forward, leapt, learnt and carved out the life she desired. And got paid what she's worth without sacrificing her ambition, her soul or her health. That’s me and I’m here to share it all (no filter)  – it’s win win!